10-Minute Guide to Object Oriented Programming

Object Oriented (OO) simplified by examples

Courtney Zhan
4 min readSep 18, 2022

The articles in the 10-minute guide series:

Most modern programming languages support object-oriented programming (OOP). Mastering OOP is a must for software engineers and test automation engineers nowadays. This quick guide is intended for non-programmers to get a quick understanding of OO, in particular, to become automated testers.

OOP sounds like a complicated concept, at least for me when I was 13 years old. It turned out to be quite simple after my father illustrated with this example:

Car is a class, a type of something, it has the following two functions (plus many more…):

  • accelerate
  • brake

My car (the one in my garage) is an object of Car, it can ‘brake’ and ‘accelerate’. I can physically drive it.

Now have a think about the statements below:

my_car = Car.new
your_camry = Car.new

.new creates an instance of a Class, in this case, Car. The returned instance is also known as an Object.

In Ruby, everything is an object (or class)

Ruby is a pure Object-Oriented language, comparatively, Java is not as it has primitive types. Learning OO with Ruby is easier.

a_string = "Ruby is cool"
a_string.size # => 12
iphones = ["iPhone 4s", "iPhone 5S", "iPhone 5C"]
iphones.sort #=>["iPhone 4s", "iPhone 5C", "iPhone 5S"]

a_stringis an object of String class, and iphones is an object of class Array. Here is how to find out an object’s class.

a_string.class # => String
iphones.class # => Array

The reason we are able to use.size and .sort is because these functions are defined in the String and Array classes respectively.


Class Inheritance

Inheritance is one type of relationship between two classes. For example, seagulls and parrots are both birds, thus they share the common features of a bird.

The code below defines three classes: Bird, Seagull, and Parrot.

class Bird
def fly
puts "I am flying"
class Seagull < Bird
class Parrot < Bird
def speak
puts "if someone teaches me"

Inheritance can be described as “is-a” relationship. For example, we can say “Parrot is a Bird” and “Seagull is a Bird”, but not “Parrot is a Seagull”.

An object of a child class can invoke a function defined in the parent class.

a_seagull = Seagull.new
a_seagull.fly # => "I am flying"
my_parrot = Parrot.new
my_parrot.fly # => "I am flying"
a_seagull.is_a?(Bird) # => true
my_parrot.is_a?(Bird) # => true

As you can see, by using inheritance, the code (defined in functions, such as flyin Birdclass) can be reused.

A child class can define its exclusive functions, such as speak in Parrot class.

my_parrot.speak  # => "if someone teaches me"
a_seagull.speak # NoMethodError: undefined method `speak' for #<Seagull:0x..>

Child Class Can Override Behaviours

A function defined in a class is also known as “Behaviour”. A child class can override the behavior defined in its parent class, like the example below.

class Ostrich < Bird
def fly
puts "I'd rather run"
ostrich = Ostrich.new
ostrich.is_a?(Bird) # => true
ostrich.fly #=> "I'd rather run"

This has a fancy term, Polymorphism, one of the most asked questions in programmer interviews. Don’t over-think it, do some OO practices, and you will get a deep understanding. For now, at least for test automation engineers, my one-line explanation will do.

Use your newly learned OO knowledge to understand Automated Test Script

Below is a raw Selenium WebDriver test that follows Maintainable Automated Test Design.

it "Select One-way trip" do
login_page = LoginPage.new(driver)

flight_page = FlightPage.new(driver)
flight_page.select_arrive_at("New York")
flight_page.select_depart_month("May 2023")
expect(page_text).to include("2023-05-02 Sydney to New York")

Two classes:

These two Page Classes represent the two web pages you see in the browser.

  • LoginPage
  • FlightPage

Three objects:

  • driver , the instance of Selenium WebDriver
  • login_page and flight_page are instances of LoginPage and FlightPage respectively.

Several functions:

You can think a function in a page class is an operation that a user can perform on the web page.

  • enter_username , enter_passwordand click_sign_in in LoginPage class
  • select_trip_type , select_depart_from , select_arrive_at , select_depart_day , select_depart_month , and click_continue in FlightPage class

What does a page class look like?

Here is the content of flight_page.rb file, which defines FlightPage class.

require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "abstract_page.rb")class FlightPage < AbstractPagedef initialize(driver)
super(driver, "") # <= TEXT UNIQUE TO THIS PAGE
def select_trip_type(trip_type)
driver.find_element(:xpath, "//input[@name='tripType' and @value='" + trip_type + "']").click
def select_depart_from(from_port)
Selenium::WebDriver::Support::Select.new(driver.find_element(:name, "fromPort")).select_by(:text, from_port)

# more functions ...
def click_continue

Now with this quick guide, do you understand the above test scripts better? 😊

