An Unsuccessful Attempt to use OCR to Pass text-based Captcha in Selenium Automated Tests

Not recommended, but a fun exercise with using an OCR

Courtney Zhan
4 min readMar 19, 2022

First of all, Captchas are designed to stop automation. Ideally, Captchas would be disabled for automated testing, but this is not always possible (out of your control or due to human reasons).

Most Captchas these days are more advanced, they use images and very heavily distorted text. Even so, some sites still use more basic text captchas, like below.

Example of a basic text captcha still in use

Today, I came up with an idea to attempt OCR (Optical Character Recognition) in automated test scripts to parse the text-based captchas like the above. I give the result first: very low accuracy, i.e. no practical use. However, I think it is a good exercise.

Tesseract OCR library

Tesseract is a popular, free and open-source OCR library, and it runs on multiple platforms. Use the package manager to install it, for example, homebrew for macOS.

brew install tesseract

The usage tesseract <image_file> <output_file> , example:

tesseract captcha1.png output

Output on screen like below:

Estimating resolution as 272

and a new file output.txt was created, in the case, the content is


Advanced Tesseract

We can further enhance the recognition accuracy by tweaking some of Tesseract’s configurations, e.g. 1 word, 1 character or vertically aligned.

Here I will use the page segmentation mode. For instance, say that I know the Captcha is always 1 word (in our 3g34example), I can specify this with the relevant page segmentation mode (8: Treat the image as a single word.). Our new command looks like this:

tesseract captcha1.png output --psm 8

And when reading output.txt you will see the result is:


It is correct! For more information on the other modes and configurations, see the tesseract manual page.

Use Tesseract in Automated Tests

Test Design:

  1. Save the Image
  2. Run Tesseract to ‘read’ the captcha text
  3. Use it in the test scripts

Saving the Image

Firstly, we need to get the Captcha image for Tesseract to analyse. Selenium 4 allows you to take a screenshot of a web element.

tmp_dir = File.expand_path File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "..", "testdata")
dest_image_file_path = File.join(tmp_dir, "page_captcha.png")
FileUtils.rm dest_image_file_path if File.exists?(dest_image_file_path)
# save the captcha image, selenium 4 new feature
expect(File.exists?(dest_image_file_path)).to be true

Run Tesseract to ‘read’ the captcha text

Now we want to execute the command. In Ruby, we can simply use backticks (`) around it. Alternatively, you can look into the system command.

captcha_value = `tesseract #{dest_image_file_path} output; cat output.txt`captcha_value = captcha_value.force_encoding('UTF-8').gsub(" ", "").strip

Now that we have the Captcha text that Tesseract ‘read’, we want to put it back into the page as our ‘guess’.

driver.find_element(:name, "checkcode").send_keys(captcha_value)


Below is a video of the test refreshing the Captcha and running Tesseract on it 5 times.

Run test steps in ‘debugging mode’ in TestWise IDE

We can see that in the above video (in animated GIF), it got the correct Captcha once ( sCg5) 🥳.

As our first example, Tesseract is not accurate, not suitable for automated testing at all. Having said that, it is interesting and I only played with Tesseract for 30 minutes. There might be tweaked for our image type.

Complete Code

load File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../test_helper.rb"describe "Use Tesseract to get through Captcha" do
include TestHelper
before(:all) do
# browser_type, browser_options, site_url are defined in test_helper.rb
@driver = $driver = Selenium::WebDriver.for(browser_type, browser_options)
driver.manage().window().resize_to(1280, 720)
after(:all) do
driver.quit unless debugging?
it "Tesseract Captcha" do
login_page =
5.times do
elem = driver.find_element(:xpath, "//img[@title='refresh']")
sleep 1
tmp_dir = File.expand_path File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "..", "testdata")
dest_image_file_path = File.join(tmp_dir, "page_captcha.png")
FileUtils.rm dest_image_file_path if File.exists?(dest_image_file_path)
# save the captcha image, selenium 4 new feature
expect(File.exists?(dest_image_file_path)).to be true
captcha_value = `tesseract #{dest_image_file_path} output; cat output.txt`
captcha_value = captcha_value.force_encoding('UTF-8').gsub(" ", "").strip
puts captcha_value
sleep 2



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