Automating Shadow DOM with Selenium WebDriver

How to drive web elements inside a shadow root on a web page

Courtney Zhan


A Shadow DOM is a self-contained web component in a web page. Google uses shadow DOMs extensively (link to their Shadow DOM introduction). By default, a standard automation driver is unable to driver web elements inside a shadow DOM.

The latest Selenium WebDriver v4 supports Shadow Roots (HTML elements for a shadow DOM). In this article I will show a quick and easy way to drive web elements inside a Shadow DOM using Selenium WebDriver.

An Example

The task: Add a new list item to the Editable List of the demo Fiddle site.

Screenshot of Luigi Demo Page which we are about to test

A typical Selenium script looks like this:

# add new list element
driver.find_element(:xpath, "//input[@class='add-new-list-item-input']").send_keys("Buy milk and eggs")
driver.find_element(:xpath, "//button[@class='add-new-list-item-input']").click# verify new element is there
expect(page_text).to include("Buy milk and eggs")



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