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Why I Prefer Ruby As E2E Test Automation Scripting Language? Part 1

The Objective Ruby Features Good for Scripting

Courtney Zhan
4 min read1 day ago

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Some readers may know that I work as a Software Engineer professionally and the programming languages I use at work are Java, JavaScript and Kotlin. The nature of my work is back-end, in other words, E2E (UI) Test Automation is rarely used at work. Long-time readers know that I am practising E2E Test Automation because of the influence of my father.

The above information is to show that other than Ruby, I do know a few other languages. And the reasons why I like Ruby as an ideal E2E scripting language are (somewhat) objective.

1. Ruby is a scripting language.

Test scripts shall be in a scripting language, naturally.

2. Ruby is a 100% Object-Oriented Language, Java is not.

In Ruby, everything is an object.

puts 1.class # => Integer

We can’t do that in Java, as 1 is a primitive type.

Why does this matter? It doesn’t really, but it is more consistent. By the way, Page Object Model (using the OO concept) is the…



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